604 Main St, Saegertown, PA 16433
Saegertown Community Church is a non-denominational group of folks who seek to be a hub of Christian faith in our community. We seek to follow the example of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Bible, and the guiding of the Holy Spirit. We do that through worship, learning, and living life together.

What We Believe

The following is additional details about what we believe according to each topic.


Jesus was born of the virgin, Mary, conceived of the Holy Spirit. He was killed by crucifixion as payment for sin, and offers salvation for all who believe in Him. Jesus defeated death and arose from the tomb to ascend to Heaven where He reigns as our High Priest.


Sin is any action outside the will of God, as described by the Holy Bible.


The Holy Bible (scriptures) is the perfect and flawless word of God given to mankind to reveal God’s nature and will to His creation. Both the Old and New Testaments are equally inspired, and are necessary for a healthy understanding of the Bible.


Salvation is received by faith alone, not by works. We must confess our sin, repent, and proclaim Jesus as God and Savior. Once salvation is received, it is eternally secure in Christ Jesus.


Baptism is the outward expression of an inward change. It is the following of the Biblical example of Jesus by immersion in water. Salvation is not secured in baptism, but rather, baptism is an indication of someone’s decision.